All though I was very excited for Tegan and Sara + Broken Social Scene yesterday, I totally forgot it was this week even though Sam asked me forever what seats we have and when it starts (we were row 7 at 8P). We were both tired while waiting for the show to start, luckily it was a seated concert hah. The music that they played before, in between and after the bands was really weird. It started off with some 80's pop tune. Then a representative from the Olympiad came out to talk because I guess the show was brought to us by them after all. He mainly was trying to talk up the whole Olympics shit. Needless to say, we were not feeling it. So he finally left, then very shortly after Tegan and Sara came! They were amazing, I love them =) I also like that they are small and have large breasts for their size. They played I Know I Know and Call It Off, my favourites. I don't know much about guitars but they switched a lot.. does that say something about them? That question was directed to Matt ha I also enjoyed how they talked to the audience but eventually talked to each other cause I feel that Jess and I would do that... or me and anyone.
Then their set was over. The music before Broken Social Scene got a little better. They played Wintersleep twice! Then it was Flight of the Conchords but very very softly.
After the show, I went to purchase some merch. The table was not set up very well. The tees were up on the wall behind two tables but only one the girl on the right was doing the transactions for all the tees. The girl behind the other table was only selling vinyls, pins and such. ... Sam suggested that maybe the bands wanted to keep everything separate but the things were mixed. So I got really confused and the girl selling the less popular items wasn't very clear in directing people to the correct girl. Then we went to the Pocky store which is becoming a tradition after shows on Granville St.
Prior to going downtown, I gladly helped Sam clean her room. It was fun! I also love her room because it is like a library.I came home with some goods. Three of those are things she borrowed from me still good stuff! She bought Charlie Brown for $2.00 and never even opened it! So she gave it to me for Valentines Day hah best present ever!!!
I must finish editing Dak's assignment now, toodle ooo.
switching guitars? doesn't say much other than that they're ballers and they like sounding different every time. take that as you will
glad you guys liked the concert, sounds pretty dope.
Reply to sticker and comment: "I personally feel that it sends a very good message for folks out there and I would like to say that I am one of those scents-itive people!"
I own 65 perfumes (full list here You may want to keep your distance next time we meet, lol. But I'm sure if you ask Sam or Matt they would say I never sink *fingers crossed*. Anyway, I have crazy hay fever but perfume has never bothered me.
65 different perfumes? i never realized jamie was that posh
Jamie is hardcore when it comes to her perfumes. I can attest to the fact that she never smells bad though!
My confirmation word today is resequis. It looks kinda like required so therefore I got this word because I am required to explain it?
Some people don't see the scent-free zone signs .. and they stank of heavy vanilla or some heavy perfume that makes me want to vomit.
Word Verification; braters ... braters --> graters --> grate cheese --> cheese = poutine ... = happy times!!!
@ Meghan: Vanilla perfume makes me want to puke too - especially Vanilla Musk perfume. My golden rule is only three squirts of a perfume a day, which usually means only you can smell it. I hate it when people over due on something like Thierry Muggler's "Angel", which you can smell one squirt from four miles away.
Sammie sorry I forgot my magic word last time. My new verification word is "bolex," which looks like either Botox or Boflex, which I think is something that magically gives you abs.
my word verification is adsup
sup sam
boy do i need to get on this shit faster..
matt: im glad theyre balling, i heart them two ladies
jamie: that is a lot! i have gotten verbal confirmation that you do not smell though, so im still up for chilling at the malls. your midterms over/in progress?
meghan: everything relates to poutine with us!
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