cha ching ching bling
I want to get a gold chain but holy crap are they more than what I want to pay for. This one comes in gold plated or half silver half gold plated. It costs $56. That's just way too much, it's expensive being a g. I've been in to jewellery since I started working at U. Since it is so slow there, I'm pretty sure that I've tried on everything (except for earrings because I don't have my ears pierced). There is a lot of stuff I want but am not willing to pay for. There is a sterling silver hippo Biagi bead but I recently found my hippo mood ring so I don't know if I should still buy the bead. (Side note: my mood ring tells me that I only ever feel stressed or neutral) The first time I got jewellery as a gift, I thought 'What the hell is this?' haha I don't know what was wrong with me. Now I love all that good shit. In addition to a gold chain, I want to get a long necklace so I can layer them. There is one at work that has has a black ball and a little key hanging off of it that I want. I swear, it looks better than it sounds. I don't have a picture so you will just have to take my word on it.
Still want a mac book.
Should I cut my hair again?
I think you should get a mac book and I think that you should grow out your hair for a bit longer since it looks nice when its long and it hasn't been long in a while. I don't know what to say about the jewelery because I am not into this stuff like you are! LOL.
My verification word is chniwer and this sort of makes me think of chinese winner so I think that means that you are the winner.
The necklace is pretty sweet. I'm cheap when it comes to buying necklaces too, even though I love them, so I just buy the pendants. I have one silver chain and a bunch of cords that I switch around. If your into jewelry, you should check out my sisters beading blog ( She has some awesome stuff on there (but not for sale).
As for metrotown, send me and the other Sam an email and we can discuss a date. My email is jkm4@s .
oops take away that space in between the s and f in
1) not big on necklaces, but hey: i'm a dude.
2) mac books are ace, get one. the new ones just came out didn't they? now's the time to get one.
3) i agree with sam. grow it out a little bit. when was the last time you enjoyed long lush hair?
Sam: I'm thinking about calling Visa this week to up my limit and then going to buy it maybe the following week. I have some free days not that I'm not working a lot. There are so many different sizes and such though so I'm a little confused, I think I will need to do some concrete research before I go.
I think being cheap is also swaying towards keeping my hair long.
All though you are not Chinese, I still think you are a Chinese winner because of your Asian heart.
Jamie: I have already looked at your sisters site in a non creepy stalker way. .. the way I do everything = ) The little cat beaded beads are adorables.
I sent you and Sam an email about
Matt: I forgive you for being a dude.
Yeah, I'm really sick of my Dell laptop. Function and look wise.
I don't think I've ever felt that my hair was "lush" hah but it would be nice!
MAC BOOK!!! Those things are so pretty .... I want one ... my computer is starting to become slow ... I think I have too much crap on this laptop.
Verification word: amedeta ... it looks like feta!!! Cheese is awesome!! OMG I haven't had nachos in the longgggggggest time.
I'm not sure how much space I need cause that's the kind of thing I tend to underestimate hah. But I know I need more than what I have now, I couldn't even put all my CDs on it. .. But I know I want a black one hha we shuld have a MacBook day and buy some..
Ooh me too! We also haven't had poutine in a long time!!!
You can always buy an external hard drive if you need more space! I need to save up for a longggg time to buy a MacBook ... I see the commercial for it all the time ... it's so pretty!!!!
I had nachos yesterday ... and I couldn't taste anything ... I don't think that counts as satisfying my craving for them. Once everyone is good to go out we shall have poutine and nachos!!!
Verification word: trofoon. I only see the word spoon, and we use spoons to eat food... And we just LOVE food!!!
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