I went to Holt Renfrew with Jess the other day to look for a new bag (Christmas present!). I normally do not go to places like that.. I've changed. I super duper want but super duper don't want to spend $600 or someone else to spend $600 on me.
The mistake was going to Holt Renfrew first cause everywhere else we went that night sucked. Every other bag was 'just the rest' and not 'the one'. All the other bags looked so poor quality and crappy.
Jess says it's good now cause it means I have better taste. I want to change back because I cannot support this change. I can't even pay my bills now without dipping into the savings.
I want the one ... that I can afford.
Damn girl, I know how you feel. Holts is scary. I always end up buying a $150 bottle of perfume that I really shouldn't have bought when I go there (but they are always so nice and give you samples). Why are the finer things in life so expensive?
as a man, i cannot justify spending 600 on a bag unless it not only looks good but has amazing utility that will last me for a long time.
...but then again you need to treat yourself once in a while.
so it doesnt get better, jamie? =/ i was hoping maybe i could change back haha ooh ohhh we should go to holtz the next time we hang out! i wish they would give out samples of handbags
i cant justify it at all... even as a treat for myself. =/ maybe i would pay half.. maybe.. i dont know man, you know me, im usually cheap and practical
=O aritzia had the bag for a bit! get it sam! I'm saying that because u should treat urself once in a while and that is NOW. it'll last you foreverrr. I have the miniature version of that bag and i love it =)!!!
all u need is that one bag and that'd last you for awhilee =)
ooohhh you have the mini one???!! why have i never seen it and been allowed to admire it hah
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