Wednesday, July 15, 2009

take a ride on the Andy Cycle

Hero's needs to start showing this Ando. Everyone should follow James Kyson Lee on Twitter. Even with clothes, he looks pretty damn good. They should show more of him and then have Peter & Claire kill each other.. for realsies.

That's it for today. Have a good night ya'll. 


Jamie McCarthy said...

Wow I had no idea Ando looked like that!?@!WRWQ@#~! Oh and yes, please do kill Peter and Claire - especially Claire *barfs.* I second that for sure. And while they are at it, more Sylar please. Also more Sylar in glasses. Thanks.

Bonnie said...

excuse me, but HOLY SHIT HE IS FUCKING HOTTTTTTT. ando should be shirtless in EVERY EPISODE of heroes. whatever he's got goin' on here, thats his superpower ;)

sammie said...


how are we supposed to know hes so effing hot if he's always fully clothed. may i also mention that his own clothes look way better than of those on the show.

best super power ever hah

ooooh syler with glasses and sweater vest please!

Matt said...

i feel kinda gay now

N said...

Hahha I love the title. "take a ride on the Andy Cycle".
Referring to his washboard abs?!

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I'm a tiny little girl at an impressive height of 4'11" I like to eat and sleep and eat and sleep.