multimedia troubles
My dad has recently informed me that his iPod nano stopped working. Being my dad, he thinks that I manufactured the product and can fix it. I plugged his iPod into my laptop and it said that it was corrupt so I had to restore the factory settings. After I click 'restore', iTunes would stop responding. I tried this about three times. I'm not sure if my laptop is just slow so it's in progress or if my iTunes is now messed up too... sigh. So I guess I will try an other day.. I also need to do taxes. My STAT midterm is on Tues, so I should probably study for that as well. = / There needs to be more hours in a day. I've been sleeping before 1am these past few days (that's really early for me!). I'm supposed to brunch tomorrow with Phil but he is not answering my text message.. we will also see how that goes. I don't think I will wake up to study if we don't have brunch.
I went to see The Watchmen with Sam last night, she's full of free movie tickets (thanks HMV!). It was kind of hard to follow, I think I should have read the book first. The time line was hard to follow and the different generation of masked heroes... Plus, the guys next to me would not shut the hell up. The themes interested me though, so I think I will borrow the book from Sam in the near future. I also want to read about it on wikipedia but I'm scared my eyes will feel like falling out, like when I read up on ER characters. Holy crap, that show has been on forever. Movies that are coming out next week which I want to see are I Love You Man and Monsters vs. Aliens. Who's going to watch them with me? Eh? Eh? *nudge *nudge
It's been two weeks, I can't wait for my shirt! I assume most of you know that I love laser cats by now...
i wanna see I Love You Man too! Jason Segal and Paul Rudd, i love paul rudd! esp. in Knocked Up if I haven't said that enough already =P. Watchmen confused me too ... it was an okay movie - only because it was too long and I lost feeling in my butt cheek =T
<3 youuu.
Me too! You watch them on The Hour online, was really funny. They played the marriage game or w/e, where they ask questions about each other? I didn't explain that that well, just watch it hah = )
Freaking Watchmen was almost three hours long!
I can't comment on your blog = (
You sound like an IT professional trying to reboot a computar!!!
The watchmen was good minus the blueman's junk all flapping on teh big screen.
laser cats
what the eff
Ah laser cats! I heart Andy and Bill. I must say your profile pic is pretty gangsta - Jigga would be proud. I have no tips about the iPod - mine always says its corrupted but still syncs. My sister just bought a Zune and its way cooler than the iPod - I can play itunes files, wma, and a bunch of other formats. Yay m. town on Saturday!
Nick: yeah, except I can't actually fix anything =| hah he's got a banana hammock in the clips they play on tv. Such a good body makes the normal face a let down.
Matt: if by what the eff you mean oh em gee so amazing, then I agree! Remember how I had I laser cat on my birthday cake?
Jamie: they are quite a comical duo in that! Andy is on ellen today, I hope you are watching.
Thanks! This is what happens when I get bored, camera whore.
I have been intrigued by Zune, they should make a zunePodPhone (ask Sam about the iPodPhone). Can't wai till Sat!!
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