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I have to admit, sometimes I close my eyes or enter a room and think that when I open my eyes and exit that I'll be in some other universe or time. Now I know that that is not going to actually happen, but having that little ray of insanity (I swear, it's just a little tiny ray...) keeps me sane. So as I walk back to my dreaded stats class from the washroom, my mind shows me a glimpse of a world where everyone I love is there, I've already established a career that I love, coffee is a food group, time can be frozen for up to five minutes and people can fly. It all sounds ridiculous but that world would be so sweet that I can sit in class for an other hour with nice little thoughts in my head that keep me going and awake to take notes about sampling and bias. Eventually I realize that I'm crazy and I'm waiting for the 100 bus to go home; everything real sets in and it's back to earth. Tiny sparks of sanity keep me going; even if it's only for a little while. I wonder what I will dream about next...
Speaking of dreams, do those things mean anything? They have to mean something right? Just makes me wonder . . . Does it mean that I want my dream to come true or that I was simply thinking about the subject earlier that day in some other context? This is clearly the part of my writing where I spit out questions and think that it will lead to answers somehow.
On a brighter note, I finally got my present from Dak and it's amazing! Vosges chocolates are specialty chocolates with exotic flavours such as Venezuelan white chocolate with dried kalamata olive. My favourite is 45% deep milk chocolate with applewood smoked bacon and alderwood smoked salt.
wooo nice theme
it came with the account, i just changed the colours.. i don't remember anything about designing webapges.
Hmm blogger deleted my comment thus I am rewriting this (oh and I'm gonna add you to my links)...
Sometimes I like to shut my eyes and imagine Doctor Who picking me up in his Tardis and taking me away to a Cream (60s Clapton era) concert. Is that sick? My childhood dream was to become a lady b-ball player/artist - In that order because I had mad hoop dreams.
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